December Update

I hope this blog finds you all well and having a wonderful holiday season. God is truly good and there is so much comfort in His loving fellowship. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the prayers, emails, texts, messages, and for the monetary support for this mission work. We truly could not do this without all of you. 

This next year promises to be fruitful. Right now we actually have an ongoing Bible study with a man who contacted us after listening to our online content. We are using the book, “Someone Died and Left You a Fortune.” I really love this book and have used it quite successfully in the past. The lawyer says our permanent residency status should come through with no problem allowing all of us to work here in Canada. I can not express how much of a blessing this will be. It cuts down the support we need to raise by about half. 

I have ramped up production of the “We Talk Truth” podcast and “Cogitations” podcast as a way to build tents, as it were. The more people are benefited by these the more apt they are to become patrons and support those podcasts monetarily. This is one way to support the work. If you are not familiar with those, just go to and search for them by name. Take a listen, you may be edified. 

December was very difficult. I was very worried about our financial situation. I should not have been. God provided through His people for His people. I feel rather embarrassed I stressed out about it. I should know by now God provides, not only for our needs, but, for our wants as well. Isn’t it interesting how that works? I think of the words of the psalmist, “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread” (Psalm 37:25). As I said, I should know better by now as God has always provided for our needs and so much more. 

Please, keep this work in your prayers as we go into 2022. We have so much we want to do up here. The big huge goal is to build a building as we are at capacity currently in the one we have. It would be great to break around late 2023 or early 2024 if the Lord wills it to be so. 

As we close the year, I have an ask. It is a BIG ask. PLEASE, share news of this work to your brethren. I feel that raising the support we need, 3,500 USD per month, would be rather easy if Folk could learn about the work up here. I would be free and love the opportunity to have a zoom meeting or another method of communication with your eldership or whomever makes the decisions concerning evangelism support to answer any questions they would have. 

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog. I pray you will continue to keep us in your prayers.

The Brewers 

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